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Generator Objects — Python v2.6.2 documentation

Generator Objects¶

Generator objects are what Python uses to implement generator iterators. They are normally created by iterating over a function that yields values, rather than explicitly calling PyGen_New.

The C structure used for generator objects.
PyTypeObject PyGen_Type¶
The type object corresponding to generator objects
int PyGen_Check(ob)¶
Return true if ob is a generator object; ob must not be NULL.
int PyGen_CheckExact(ob)¶
Return true if ob‘s type is PyGen_Type is a generator object; ob must not be NULL.
PyObject* PyGen_New(PyFrameObject *frame)¶
Return value: New reference.

Create and return a new generator object based on the frame object. A reference to frame is stolen by this function. The parameter must not be NULL.