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Dive Into Python

Dive Into Python is a free Python book for experienced programmers. You can read the book online, or download it in a variety of formats. It is also available in multiple languages.

This book is still being written. You can read the revision history to see what's new. Updated 20 May 2004

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Dive Into Python in your language

Translations are freely permitted as long as they are released under the GNU Free Documentation License. Dive Into Python has already been fully or partially translated into several languages. If you translate it into another language and would like to be listed here, just let me know.

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Want to mirror this web site? Publish this book on your corporate intranet? Distribute it on CD-ROM? Feel free. This book is published under the GNU Free Documentation License, which gives you enormous freedoms to modify and redistribute it in all its forms. If you're familiar with the GNU General Public License for software, you already understand these freedoms; the FDL is the GPL for books. You can read the license for all the details.