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18.3. Optimizing Regular Expressions

18.3. Optimizing Regular Expressions

The first thing the Soundex function checks is whether the input is a non-empty string of letters. What's the best way to do this?

If you answered “regular expressions”, go sit in the corner and contemplate your bad instincts. Regular expressions are almost never the right answer; they should be avoided whenever possible. Not only for performance reasons, but simply because they're difficult to debug and maintain. Also for performance reasons.

This code fragment from soundex/stage1/ checks whether the function argument source is a word made entirely of letters, with at least one letter (not the empty string):

    allChars = string.uppercase + string.lowercase
    if not'^[%s]+$' % allChars, source):
        return "0000"

How does perform? For convenience, the __main__ section of the script contains this code that calls the timeit module, sets up a timing test with three different names, tests each name three times, and displays the minimum time for each:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from timeit import Timer
    names = ('Woo', 'Pilgrim', 'Flingjingwaller')
    for name in names:
        statement = "soundex('%s')" % name
        t = Timer(statement, "from __main__ import soundex")
        print name.ljust(15), soundex(name), min(t.repeat())

So how does perform with this regular expression?

Woo             W000 19.3356647283
Pilgrim         P426 24.0772053431
Flingjingwaller F452 35.0463220884

As you might expect, the algorithm takes significantly longer when called with longer names. There will be a few things we can do to narrow that gap (make the function take less relative time for longer input), but the nature of the algorithm dictates that it will never run in constant time.

The other thing to keep in mind is that we are testing a representative sample of names. Woo is a kind of trivial case, in that it gets shorted down to a single letter and then padded with zeros. Pilgrim is a normal case, of average length and a mixture of significant and ignored letters. Flingjingwaller is extraordinarily long and contains consecutive duplicates. Other tests might also be helpful, but this hits a good range of different cases.

So what about that regular expression? Well, it's inefficient. Since the expression is testing for ranges of characters (A-Z in uppercase, and a-z in lowercase), we can use a shorthand regular expression syntax. Here is soundex/stage1/

    if not'^[A-Za-z]+$', source):
        return "0000"

timeit says is slightly faster than, but nothing to get terribly excited about:

Woo             W000 17.1361133887
Pilgrim         P426 21.8201693232
Flingjingwaller F452 32.7262294509

We saw in Section 15.3, “Refactoring” that regular expressions can be compiled and reused for faster results. Since this regular expression never changes across function calls, we can compile it once and use the compiled version. Here is soundex/stage1/

isOnlyChars = re.compile('^[A-Za-z]+$').search
def soundex(source):
    if not isOnlyChars(source):
        return "0000"

Using a compiled regular expression in is significantly faster:

Woo             W000 14.5348347346
Pilgrim         P426 19.2784703084
Flingjingwaller F452 30.0893873383

But is this the wrong path? The logic here is simple: the input source needs to be non-empty, and it needs to be composed entirely of letters. Wouldn't it be faster to write a loop checking each character, and do away with regular expressions altogether?

Here is soundex/stage1/

    if not source:
        return "0000"
    for c in source:
        if not ('A' <= c <= 'Z') and not ('a' <= c <= 'z'):
            return "0000"

It turns out that this technique in is not faster than using a compiled regular expression (although it is faster than using a non-compiled regular expression):

Woo             W000 15.4065058548
Pilgrim         P426 22.2753567842
Flingjingwaller F452 37.5845122774

Why isn't faster? The answer lies in the interpreted nature of Python. The regular expression engine is written in C, and compiled to run natively on your computer. On the other hand, this loop is written in Python, and runs through the Python interpreter. Even though the loop is relatively simple, it's not simple enough to make up for the overhead of being interpreted. Regular expressions are never the right answer... except when they are.

It turns out that Python offers an obscure string method. You can be excused for not knowing about it, since it's never been mentioned in this book. The method is called isalpha(), and it checks whether a string contains only letters.

This is soundex/stage1/

    if (not source) and (not source.isalpha()):
        return "0000"

How much did we gain by using this specific method in Quite a bit.

Woo             W000 13.5069504644
Pilgrim         P426 18.2199394057
Flingjingwaller F452 28.9975225902

Example 18.3. Best Result So Far: soundex/stage1/

import string, re

charToSoundex = {"A": "9",
                 "B": "1",
                 "C": "2",
                 "D": "3",
                 "E": "9",
                 "F": "1",
                 "G": "2",
                 "H": "9",
                 "I": "9",
                 "J": "2",
                 "K": "2",
                 "L": "4",
                 "M": "5",
                 "N": "5",
                 "O": "9",
                 "P": "1",
                 "Q": "2",
                 "R": "6",
                 "S": "2",
                 "T": "3",
                 "U": "9",
                 "V": "1",
                 "W": "9",
                 "X": "2",
                 "Y": "9",
                 "Z": "2"}

def soundex(source):
    if (not source) and (not source.isalpha()):
        return "0000"
    source = source[0].upper() + source[1:]
    digits = source[0]
    for s in source[1:]:
        s = s.upper()
        digits += charToSoundex[s]
    digits2 = digits[0]
    for d in digits[1:]:
        if digits2[-1] != d:
            digits2 += d
    digits3 = re.sub('9', '', digits2)
    while len(digits3) < 4:
        digits3 += "0"
    return digits3[:4]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from timeit import Timer
    names = ('Woo', 'Pilgrim', 'Flingjingwaller')
    for name in names:
        statement = "soundex('%s')" % name
        t = Timer(statement, "from __main__ import soundex")
        print name.ljust(15), soundex(name), min(t.repeat())